Garden Trellis Daisy MM 108 E2E

This pattern is included in April Masters club
All quilt and embroidery formats are in this download
The MM 108 Garden Trellis E2E’s are interchangeable you can mix them up to create great combinations
These long E2E’s are easy to set up and quicker to quilt out… there are 4 of them in the Masters club this month and will be available on the site. You can use them to mix and match and make up your own E2E. I have had a lot of quilter send me pictures of using them to fill around blocks and quilts….
The first and last are both on the left. Set them up in repeat patterns and snap the first to the last all the way down the quilt. Do not stretch or shrink them you will loose the integrity of the pattern use trim on the sides and top and bottom or create your boundary and use the fill feature. Put in more than you need on the bottom you can delete them if you do not use them. I like using end of set with these.