Christmas Celebration tree skirt quilt set
These patterns were made for the Round quilt called Christmas Celebration, by Judy Neimeyer. Quilting patterns designed by Nancy Haacke.
There are 8 patterns in this set Retail value $80.00
These patterns are in October 2013
The quilt in the photos was quilted by Marilyn Tyler
Tree skirt

Product Reviews
Becky Lomas — November 16, 2018 — Rating 2/5
I just finished may own tree skirts and found no matter how slow I put the speed the circles quilted out very jerky, not round at all, they quilted like a figure eight oblong, I was very disappointed in this set
Kathy Holscher — November 28, 2016 — Rating 5/5
I've used this set of patterns on two customer "tree skirts" (so far) and they worked beautifully! They were easy to place and stitched out without a hitch. The customers loved them...even though it wasn't easy to see the beautiful quilting patterns - they used very busy batik fabrics. I'd really like to see these quilted out on a tree skirt that used solids, I'm betting it would be gorgeous!